As a person who has always defined himself through independence to think, talk and act according to the heart I feel unbelievably trapped right now.
Over the last year I have taken such a beating and have taken it like a man. Too often I’ve reached a new "personal best" at pressure levels, dissapointment or being hurt by trusting other people.
Somehow In pretty much all roles I have in my life I have always had to be the strong one to nurture others. Feels I need some slack myself.
Even though for me it’s quite clear that having the glass half full is the only way to go, too often I have to fall asleep not knowing if it is humanly possible to bear so much on the shoulders and in the broken heart.
Personally I’ve always known that I will stay true to my convictions, endure, have grit and tenacity over the struggles. I want this post to stay as a reminder for myself about the dead end that I see myself in because I expect to find a way out, somehow.
I don’t quote bible too often but there’s a verse that has found it’s way to me. Isiah 45:7
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
I form the light and create darkness.
I bring prosperity and create disaster,
I, the Lord, do all these things.
Let the roller coaster continue, In the end there is only one thing that matters and it’s LOVE.