14 April 2013

Some questions in me looking for answers...

What is the hardest of the following... controlling our words, - actions, - emotions? Can one go through life without seeking to better self discipline in these categories? Is it possible to ever reach the ultimate goal of being good by heart? Not only to do good, but to sincerely mean it every time and live without heart aches of your consciousness.

Can one be truelly free and operational with only reacting to interactions of words and physical contacts? How many of people can feel their spirit and desire to let it soar? Is happiness possible without the will to make your wrongs right? How often does it happen that problems solve itself in time? How to light a desire or inner motivation in a person? How to silence negativity without making it worse? How to hold on to that peak of the mountain feeling for longest possible?

These are some of the questions that need answers in order to make a next step in my life...
If you know answers to any of those let me know.

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